Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Job

Im resigning diz month..Going to miss my cubicle, fun colleagues, stress-free job...So here's a sneak peak of where im going to work nex month..


24 days to my wedding..i hv a few things dat i hv not settled...

List of things dat i hv settled

1. dais
2. catering
3. baju (waiting for pos laju)
4. make up
5. invitation cards (they r on their way people..hang on)
6. tok kadi
7. legals n forms
8. entertainment
9. hantaran stuff
10. wedding ring

List of things dat i hv to settle

1. cake
2. gubahan hantaran
3. house canopy
4. deposit for catering
5. video


New Template

As you can see people...i hv change my template..AGAIN..i get bored easily..hiks..dats y i hv been missing for quite a while.was surprise to see sum visitors still tho..i ll update more often..Azim is dragging me back into the blogging line..

Till then people..chaowz..

template by suckmylolly.com