Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Job

Im resigning diz month..Going to miss my cubicle, fun colleagues, stress-free job...So here's a sneak peak of where im going to work nex month..

4 lil duckies:

@xiM said...


ur later maybe in a week

a month..

a year..

or even a zillion year..

but you know what..

i'm still waiting..

dun worry..

still waiting when you are said taht you gonna catch me back..

bozzobattousai said...

good luck on your new job...

@xiM said...

bila nak upload gambar kawen??

@xiM said...

Orang dah kawen tak leh dah nak ber blog yek..

ker Husband marah..hehe

kem salam kat ah chong k..:)

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